Happy Birthday to me....alhamdulillah...i'm 16 already...huhu...goodbye 15...i'll never 4get everything...the goods and the bads that made me a better person from day to day....huhu..being 15 is only once in a life time rite...u cud never go back no matter how u wish u cud...hahha...soo...i'll juz cherish every moment in my 15 year old days...hehe...and welcome 16...
huhu...semakin meningkat da umur kuh...eventhough still susah nak caye..but...i've turn 16 da pun..
thanx 4 da people yg ingat my bday....felt i was appreciated...*terharu*
the 1st person yg paling awal wish is my sis.....12 JUNE 2009 dia dah wish...cuz that day was her last day cuti..and had to go back to her kolej...she gave me this card....i almost burst into tears after that...X')
thanx 4 da people yg ingat my bday....felt i was appreciated...*terharu*
the 1st person yg paling awal wish is my sis.....12 JUNE 2009 dia dah wish...cuz that day was her last day cuti..and had to go back to her kolej...she gave me this card....i almost burst into tears after that...X')
"Hey!Happy Birthday in advanced!
Haha..had to give it early!Have a wonderful Bday yeah!
I Love you loads sis!muah!Study Well ait..
thanx sis...iloveyoutoo!
Syaida azimah.....
thanx for calling me 2 times...haha...nak sngt jd org 1st...there u go...u are the 1st to wish me..thnx 4 da vitagen mase rehat tu dear...haha...and and...thnx cuz u culik me and took me to secret recipe's juz to buy me a cake...cheese cake lak tuh...thanx dear....*tears*
AniE NadHirah!
Message anie bg - syifa syg,happy bday honey :) May Allah bless you always.And watever happens,ily bebeh!Happy bday again...Have a great day..hee...
thnx 4 da card and chocolate...bnyk chocolate dapat this year....xsnggup nak mkn...huhu...haha...td nyanyi lagu bday kat skolah...ur voice pling kuat...haha...thnx to u and epah..eventhough segan gile time tuh..nseb cikgu PJ x msuk lg...*blush blush*..hahah..
thanx for calling me 2 times...haha...nak sngt jd org 1st...there u go...u are the 1st to wish me..thnx 4 da vitagen mase rehat tu dear...haha...and and...thnx cuz u culik me and took me to secret recipe's juz to buy me a cake...cheese cake lak tuh...thanx dear....*tears*
thnx 4 da chocolates sis...bnyk lak tuh...haha..leh mkn time2 tension...had a great time tadi at school with you...nak hug laagii...hahha...!!
AniE NadHirah!
Message anie bg - syifa syg,happy bday honey :) May Allah bless you always.And watever happens,ily bebeh!Happy bday again...Have a great day..hee...
thnx 4 da card and chocolate...bnyk chocolate dapat this year....xsnggup nak mkn...huhu...haha...td nyanyi lagu bday kat skolah...ur voice pling kuat...haha...thnx to u and epah..eventhough segan gile time tuh..nseb cikgu PJ x msuk lg...*blush blush*..hahah..
thnx qiqie for being there all the time...eventhough x same clazz but our frenship will always remain the same keyh...thnx 4 da purple bracelet...i'll wear it bile ade pape function ok..ahha...thnx tau!!
thnx qiqie for being there all the time...eventhough x same clazz but our frenship will always remain the same keyh...thnx 4 da purple bracelet...i'll wear it bile ade pape function ok..ahha...thnx tau!!
thnx 4 everyone yg still remember me...nisha..alia..huda..farahin pun ingt...x sngka!thnx dearz....and yg sedihnyer today, is that munirah one of my close fren masuk SPB...huhuh...mun...pape pun kite doakn kmu bjaye ek...dun 4get us...thankyou 4 da keychain...hope x lost contact yeah!and thanx to aizat for calling...ingt lupe..yelaa...buzy memanjangkan...hahha...thankyou!!=)
hye sorry last week lupa wish :)
hppy belated bday, saya temam sis awak beli chocs tuh :D
thank you!!
thank you!!
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