Wednesday, September 23, 2009

1 Syawal...

the 1st day of raya..
bangun awal2 pagi...tolong mama kemas dapur...
cuz semalam sume da x berdaya..
tuh yang sambung tuh...
pagi2 lagi da kecoh2..
daniel pling susah nak bangun...
uish..abg memang..nak kene tampar2..simbah air baru bangun..
tp idak lak kejam bebeno..
gerak la die leklok..liat sungguh..
then da abes kemas dapur...g gosok baju raya+tudung...
pastu...berebut2 bilik air..hhaha...
bese la anak dara...berjam2 dlm blik air...
yang tunggu tu boleh tito bangun balik pun x sudah2 lagi..
daniel and ayah je yang g semayang raya...
lepas da balik tuh...sume da pkai baju raya ape sume..dan wangi2..
kitorng makan2 pulak..
ade rendang..lemang..daging hitam...nasi impit...
bnyk lagi laa..
lepas da ase full tuh..baru la g balik kmpung..
al-maklum laa kmpung both sides kat sini...
pagi2 raya baru balik...ahah..
but be4 tuh...kte salam2 ngn mama n ayah dulu...
cium tngan..pipi mama and ayah...
pastu dpt duit raya...then...
picture taking time!!
here's the pic..
Selamat Hari Raya!!!!

me loves me family!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

kakak dah balik daa...missed her like crazy..hehhe..
and dia pun macam da xtahan duk sne..
STORYnye punya la banyak...
every bits of her lyfe kat sane nak cite..heheh..
everytime balik pun cmtuh..nasib bek i'm quite a good listener...
sumtimes...biar je dia ckp sorang2...whahah...

today's the last day for us to bangun sahur 4 this year laa..
yang bez....satu family ada mase sahur tuh..
baru rase complete...
malam td pulak opah buat makan2...
every year memang we all gathered together ngn sedara mare...
penat juga..

and i am..
x tito lagi right after sahur...
sembang2 ngn kakak with her never-ending-stories...ahhah
xtito neyh sbb ingt nak tolong mama wat pape yang ptut...
but b4 that amik kesempatan dulu berblogging...teehee...=)

nak dkat2 raye neyh...suke dgr lagu raye...sape x suke en...
my favourite song is
Suasana Hari Raya...lagu anuar zain nyanyi time die kecik2 tuh...
hahah..paling suke lagu tuh...
dgr je trus bersemangat...heheh...

owh and yeah!!
to Syaida Azimah...happy birthday dear!!!

k laa....nak help mama...
tetibe mama ade mood nak wat kuih....
and i love it!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

wah2....lagi seminggu je nak raya...persiapan korang camne????
wanna noe how's mine goin on..??
korang nak tau xnak..suke aty la ek..
haha..i'll juz tell 4 the ones yang nak tau jeee..ngee!!
12 september 2009
ok..weekends ni...kitorng satu family wat gotong royong bersihkn umah...fuh...penat kot..
then badan ase macam x sehat..but...saya tetap gak berjuang..wahha..mak suh rest sbb duk bersin non-stop pulak saya ini agak degil...buat jugak..apa lagi..langsir satu umah dibukak...time bukak when it comes to putting it back..haiiyooo...sakit tengkuk...haha..
dalam umah..i'm the tallest..tuh kene pasang tuh.....ayah..sme tinggi kut..haha..tp2..ayah nak pasang langsir???huish..dia kate tuh keje pompuan..haha..xpe2..buat jugak..keje ayah bersih kipaskn nanti??hehe...then mak kate nak bersih kat luar umah....sume la kuar...bersih ape2 yang patut...every year mmg mcm neyh..tingkap sume kene lap...tingkap je da bape banyak..
haha...sambil2 kemas..adik lak pasang lagu raya...fuh..tu yang bersemangat la kejap eventhough da keletihan...buat punya buat...kepala ase da pening..nampak orng pun mcm da dua je kan..haha...then g la rest...ayah tengok anak2 kesayangannya da keletihan..die pun amik la aty balik...ayah ckap..'malam neyh..korang xyah masak..ayah belanja KFC'....
wow!!!ape lagi..yang penat2 td sume hilang..haha..sume macam bergerak je dalam umah buat ape xtau laa..yang memang nmpk macam sume buzy ngn hal masing2...
13 september 2009 (HAppY B'dAy DianA!!)
esoknya pula...ayah gerak tau...ingat 4 sahur...skali ayah kate..'Liyana..bangun2..solat subuh...da tak sempat sahur neyh'...i was like still blur..but at the sametime..pelik kejap..haha..cmne tuh??
tp g jela solat subuh...redha jelaa..pose tetap pose..pagi tuh tanye mak mase dlm kete nak g Giant...cmne leh x bangun...mak kate..ayah memang gerak katenya jam kul 5..then mase my mum da kuar blik..tibe2 da azan...mak pun harini..g beli my baju kejap..shopping2...penat jugak sbb still ase x sehat..then x sahur..haha..mak beli barang nak buat kuih..wah wah!..buat kuih sendiri tahun neyh...slalu kuih 'tunjuk' jee..heheh...balik umah...kemas2 bilik...trus wat kuih..mula2 semangat lagy nak buat kuih tart nenas...lepas da bnyk buat..ase sakit tangan..ahah...lagi skit je nak abis...lagy malas pula asenye..haha...but at the end abis la jugak!...and buka td rase...sedaaapp!!..hahha..tak malu puji diri sndiri..whahah...
tu la die citenye...cuti ni wat keje dlm umah jee je..keje skolah....x berusik..kuang2...i promise gonna do it after this!!!hehe...yelah..bila lagi nak wat kn..time skolah penat nak wat sume...
tu yang kena buat awal2 skit..huhu...that's all 4 today..daa~

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Gift Of A FriEnD......

Sometimes I think you’ll be fine by yourself
Cause a dream is a wish that you make all alone
It’s easy to feel like you don’t need help
But it’s harder to walk on your own
You’ll change inside
When you realize
The world comes alive
And everythings rite
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By your side
That helps you find
The beauty you are when you open your heart
And believe in
The gift of a friend
Someone who knows when your lost and
Your scared
There through the highs and the lows
Someone to count on, someone who cares
Beside you wherever you go
You’ll change inside
When you realize
The world comes alive
And everythings rite
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are when you open your heart
And believe in
The gift of a friend
And when your hope crashes down
Shattering to the ground
You, you feel all alone
When you don’t know which way to go
And there’s no signs leading you home
You’re not alone
The world comes to life
And everything’s right
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are when you open your heart
And believe in
When you believe
The gift of a friend...=)

"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart."-
i dedicate this song to all my friends...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

it has been 2 weeks fasting...and i really do love this month ...
it's full of calmness...
eventhough a few days back sumthing bad happen..
but..that's what we call 'dugaan'
whether you want it or not...
u juz have to be ready 4 it..
and by that u'll be a better person...insyaAllah....

I really really do love this song since the first day i watch jejak rasul...
the song juz got my attention and made me wanna cry...
the song is soo beautiful....
full of meaning...
and i just love to hear it...

do enjoy listening to it...and hope u'll feel the same thing as i did...=)
song by sami yusuf - Asma Allah..