Thursday, January 13, 2011

Everyday Madness

since mom and dad left us with the house chores during our lovely breaks, i've to be in the kitchen every morning cooking. COOKING MADNESS.haha while kakak handle the cleaning stuffs. meaning i do the cooking kakak do the cleaning. but mostly we did it together.bab membasuh memotong dan menggoreng i volunteered to do it sebab nak siang ikan kakak dia geli if it has to do with bloods.tolong la jangan babitkan dia. that's why she cant be a doctor.haha what u'll get with her is just sound eg: euwwwww! maaaaaakk!! haaaa! lastly and very commonly with her vomitting sounds. tak muntah betul but u noe that kind of sound when people tak tahan.that's her alrite.haha but bab mengemas uih tiptop kalu kemas dengan dia.but if buang sampah it's usually me. semalam lupe nak letak sampah kat luar. tengah bernyanyi2 dalam rumah ni 2 beradik tibe kakak jerit..'KAKYANGGG! sampah????!!! terus berlari lari kesane kemari mencari tong tong sampah..hahah..dengan dah rupe macam ape je kan..toleh kiri kanan nak keluar rumah. bertolak tolakkan nak suruh sape letakkan sampah kat luar.and i malas nak bertolak lagi dengan muke selambanye mengangkat tong sampah yang berwarna hitam sekali dengan penutupnye letak kat luar.berlari lari anak masuk balik rumah gelak gelak.haha just hope xda yang melihat.siap nak keluar pagar pun tunggu kereta tak lalu.hahah
next,yesterday kakak was in the kitchen with me. i was washing and cutting and whatsoever. kakak tibe tibe bersuara and she was talking as if tengah buat rancangan memasak. she had oliver twist's accent and yeah i cud just ignore her. as long as she's happy.hahah mane tak terkejut. bersuara when i was'nt looking at her.pelik kejap haha
"we'll chucked some tomatoes in and put a lil bit of salt,there you go"'s some of her lines that i cud remember.dah elok2 oliver tukar plak martha stewart. dah mcm celebrity. kakak saya suke act as if she's younger than me and i had to layan her kerenah.haha..actually im the only person kot tahan.haha.bile mum balik keje apa lagi mengadu bukan main laa...
'mak..kakak kan td itu ini..this and that' haha. mak penat2 balik kene dengar anak 2 org kat umah mengadu.bukan mengadu ape pun saje nak kan perhatian je.haha.dah terperuk dalam rumah dua dua org hari hari bole jadi tak betul sikit.lebih kurang beginilah hidup kami buat sementara waktu ini.bile kakak da balik aussie nanti..rasenya mati akal kot duduk rumah alone.sigh

1 comment:

ABSOLUTE said...

cooking madness? haha.
okay okay :)