Tuesday, January 4, 2011


1. be a better person
2. have more faith in life
3. love people around me
4. stop hurting people..im not perfect...but...i'll always try to be one..
5. keep up the patience i have all this while..
6. hope to get what i want in life xD
7. try something something NEW! ehem ehem..*grinning
8. be a gud daughter+sister
9. berusaha meningkatkn keimanan dan ketaqwaan kepada Allah s.w.t
10. futhering my study to overseas...=) *sangat sangat berharap..insyaAllah..

every year ade azam kan? haha..saje view azam2 yg tahun2 lepas..check balik..lebih kurg same jee..heheh..but xpe..maybe setahun tak cukup nak laksanakan azam tu soo kene la try lagi this year..insyaAllah..oneday..kalu berusaha btul2..i'll fulfill all of it..xD

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