Wednesday, September 15, 2010


sahabat..kalau nak diikutkan..ramai sahabat yang kita ade rite...but..mane satu yang betul-betul ada dengan kita when we need them?...i used to have one..but..lately..i found myself trying to avoid dia...i tend to keep quite when dia ade...dia changed sure i myself changed to but...our friendship...did it change too??what happen it becoz of me??i bet it is...i did'nt let go everything to you eventhough dulu i used to tell sume kat dia..i tend to hold on things back to myself....i noe u notice sumthings wrong with me rite....maybe this is the phase where im growing up...trying to be alone...finding myself...but i cud'nt find the rite words to say it to you...i miss the old me and you..but it seems that we have our own path now..we cant always be together...i noe u wont be reading this..but i assume you will..and i'll always love you..=)


Epah said...

mengapakah sahabat saya yang sgt saya sayangi? hehe

$yAr!FaH L!yaNa said...

ngeee...t'mkn aty kejap ngn sahabat2 bile epah bg cmmt trus hilang..hehe..<3

Madu said...

WOI emo yeee ? :D

$yAr!FaH L!yaNa said...

YUP!!! time tu jelah..ahahha