Day 2 in Primula Beach Resort Terengganu
woke up around 6... haha...still felt sleepy..and and the aircond was too cold! xle control..nak tutup pun xleh..freezing mcm duk oversea jee..covered my body ngn selimut yg nk dekat 3 lapis pun sejuk..huhu....waited 4 my roommates abes mandi..then siap2..went 4 breakfast...gelabah je ase..haha..then tnye ckgu spe was me..xpelah..wlaupun ase agak sedih..but..i still sokong them..had off to the dewan...then found out that our host 4 that day was AWAL and AISHA..waaa...excited da lme2 duk dlm dewan tuh ngn derang x heran daa...hahhaa..konon..ok laa..our skool xdpt masuk next tmp
t ke-9...geram asenye sbb lg brpe marks je leh lepas..they only wanted the 1-8th placing jee..huhu... lpas da lame duk situ..*cut off about the quiz sbb xde yg menarik*then here comes the part were Yi Lian kene usik with a sarawak boys..hahha..Yi Lian is kinda straight person..felt kesian kat dia..hahha..but i cant denied it was fun watching that part..ahhaa...pandai Aisha and Awal usik..hahha..they ask Yi lian to sing..die nyanyi lagu sekolah..hahha..rmai2 la budak perak ni berdi
ri ramai2 kat tgh dewan 2 nyanyi dengan penuh semangat..whahaha...
lepas je that kejadian..our skool sokong sarawak 4 the quiz coz they get to enter the finals...hahha...and we became close with them..some looks like having something between them..ehem ehem..hahaha...after the whole quiz thingy was over..ape lg...baru rase leh enjoy back to our rooms..then malam tuh ade ape ek...
owh yeah!! thanks fahmi sbb mengingatkn..haha..malam perasmian at Dewan Besar Wisma Darul Iman...
the place was soo beautiful...and guess siape artis jemputan????.....NUBHAN!!!i'm not a big fan of him..but..oklaa..haha...terpegun gak tgk dia nynyi...hahhaa..ade persembahan lagu ulit mayang...gler seram lagu tu
h...goosebumps all over mee!!!after everything was over....balik resort..mule mcm ngntuk..but when it comes to think about it...bukan slalu cmni..soo..ape lg..merayap la merata2 dlm resort tu..naik turun ikut suke jeee...hahha...lepak sne and epah xde keje cari bilik budak negeri 9 yg kitorg suke tuh..ahahhaha...gler..but xjumpe2..then putus ase...balik tito..hahha..ckp kat epah..esok cari lagi..hahaha...then both of us went off to bed...=)
Haha :P Malam tu kt tidur dgn km! ^^
yup!! lupe mention..sorry!!XD
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