Friday, January 9, 2009


Finally i've got a claz already.....since the first day of school untill yesterday...kitorg bdak2 form 4 neyh sit kat dlm dewan cuz ade orientasi......cikgu bg briefing dulu about subjek2 baru yg bakal dipelajari oleh bdak2 form 4....huhuh...then kene pilih claz yg nak msuk...this part was quite hard 4 me to decide cuz...kene pisah ngn kwan....waaaahh....but..but...this is about my future gak....we're not gonna stick with our frens 4EVA rite???hahha.....perpisahan pasti berlaku....but somehow.....people said that the world is round...pisah2..insyaallah jumpe balik gak close fren took science+english literature....i took pure science....*sob..sob* x minat sngt that y should i waste time....rite???so i decided masuk pure science....mse cikgu bce name2 time nak bg klas,berdebar2 gak...ase mcm nak amik result PMR je...hahhaah....cuz cikgu kate...mmg cikgu bg pilih claz...but sekolah gak yg akan tentukn kite masuk ape....huhuh...alhamdulillah...i got what i want...pure science it is...masuk la kelas 4 BUNGA RAYA....hahha...mase form 1 klaz Daisy...start form 2 smpai form 5 la duk klaz Bunga Raya gak...heheh...dlm klas tu rmai gak bdak yg sme klaz dulu(n also got straight A's)...lege la gak.....then comes the part where we got our timetable....mak leh pengsan je tgk sejarah ade 2 periods....time form 3 dulu mne de sejarah smpai 2 masa....hahha...then on monday lpas chemistry (2 periods gak) trus physics....waaaaa.....hope i'll survive in this clazz...heheheh...most of the think all of the teachers yg teaching me skng xpenah teach me be4....(bnyk yek perkataan TEACh)huhuh.....takot je....xtau lg cikgu tu jenis yg cmne lg...hope sume ok2.....what will happen nanti pun xleh nak predict...rite now...i'll just do my very best...


aizattaib said...

kire normal kalu sbjk sc dlm timetable 2 bderet2...

$yAr!FaH L!yaNa said...

i knoe..sje jee...
ase nak xpress je kat cni...hhehe

aizattaib said...

mcm mrh jew?hehe..

$yAr!FaH L!yaNa said...

mne de...xmarah laa..