Saturday, July 28, 2012

Third Sem - Recap

Hello again! Let's follow me on a journey of my 3rd Semester in Segi University College :)

 We had Colors and Form subject! For the ones yang lemah color ni sngt stress dgn ini subject. nasib tak kene amik paper for final haritu. 100% coursework je hehe

taking taekwando class for the 1st time ever in my life!! and yup we manage to get a yellow belt and continuing on the next sem :)

 Final preparation for TRIFLES! 

 We had to put up a play for literature subject which was also a part of our coursework! quite an experience. Learned a lot of new things as i was the manager of the play and also the emcee on that day. Not an easy task I say but Alhamdulillah everything went superb!! It made us closer to each other :)

Hiking at Broga Hill! sangatlah mencabar untuk sampai ke puncak. but it was worth it! :D

 jejaka yang bertanggungjawab keatas kami. muahahaah Sir Fauzi aka Sir Taekwondo

singing ** I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation and the only explanation I can find.....lalalala
seriously i was singing this song along the way towards the top hehe

ohhh and yes i applied for this job hehe. since i've no class on friday i went working at the Student Affairs Department and on Saturday too :) had to do a lot of typing but it was quite fun plus ada gaji hehe

celebrated my 19th birthday on the 22nd June :)
my friends were too sweet and surprising as well :D

final project for color and forms. had to come up with a product that we could sell. here's mine! It's a couple item haha *random idea actually sebab terpengaruh dengan cite2 korea neh hehe
Target audience : couples, kids, and single people too *means single kene beli satu je la haha
Price : Couple - rm15,Single- rm10 *kene marah with the single people sebab mahal haha
it's an OWL incase you guys couldn't guess what animal this is hehe
p/s: the one on top is named Shorty ><

Lasagna. last meal right after the last paper. marks the end of our 3rd sem.

Of all the semesters i've gone through, this 3rd sem means a lot to me than the other sem. maybe it's because i gain more knowledge and being more and more independent+strong+matured :) Alhamdulillah

To all my Muslims friends, it's not too late to wish this right,
Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa :)

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