Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cameron Highlands....

hello people! here i am once again...torn into eh i am telling you people bout my holidays in cameron highlands.....woke up early in the morning sbb baru nak siap beg..hahha...but tido satu malam je soo din have to bring alot of baju..then when it's all done..pegi kenduri kawin kawan mama dulu..then singgah rumah opah go fetch daniel and sabrina coz my aunty balik kampung and my cousin adrianna mmg rapat ngn sabrina...everytime balik je sabrina MUST be with her...then da alang2 mama teh ade kitorg ajak join pegi cameron skali...soo..semua la pun pegi...opah,tok,acu,mama teh's family and mine! hahha...bertolak la kami beramai2...then ondaway nak pegi to our apartment dkat puncak arabella...gilew jam! jam sepanjang2 jalan...spatutnye da sampai da around 4.30pm..but bcoz jam pkul 6 lebey baru smpai....huhu..naik! ade 3 bilik...cukup sume mende....kipas xde ouh sbb that place dah ckup sejuk..mcm pasang aircond yg pling sjuk tuh..huhu...menggigil sume org dlm umah tuh...and not to mention the water...ya allah..mcm air ice jee...nak amik wuduk pun...freezing! basuh kaki...smpai kepale pun leh beku..hahha...then malam tuh kitorg sume tgk bola....hahha...acu gile bangga ngn lampard die...siap pkai jersey kat blakang tulis lampard no 8...then sbb sjuk sngt tak boleh tido...watched a romantic movie..hahha...then daddy tgk eagle eye and after a few minutes watching the tv i fell a sleep and let the tv watch me....hahha... woke up early in 6 am in the morning and sedar2 acu tgh tgk pun tgk la skali...after solat uncle zack ajak tgk the sunrise....the kids pun da bgun sume and soo dgn tak mandinye pg2 tuh sbb air too cold basuh muke tukar baju..and off we goo...hahhaha...uncle z drived us sumwhere to have our breakfast..but too bad kedai pun tak bukak lg..haha...then sebelah that place ade ladang sngt2 tgk the ladang...felt peaceful seeing all green leaves and breathing the fresh air in the morning...lupe kejap masalah...hehehe...then balik apartment duk mkn2...main2 ngn zafran...sembang2 ngan acu..then watch sumthing in acu's laptop with tok skali...when it's almost noon,evryone had to get ready sbb dah kene check out..huhu...then pegi balik the place yg uncle z bwak pg tuh sbb nak jugak minum teh kat situ..cameron valley...and we took pictures at the ladang..and you noe what..sumthing funny,acu,nazirah,sabrina and ashman da turun da dekat ladang teh tu...scary kot...curam nak mampos! ahaha...okay...lepas da turun tuh...tngkap2 la gmbr...tibe tibe....we heard org menjerit2 kat atas...pandang la atas...rupe family was calling us down there telling that zakuan's shoe fell down and asked us to search for it..and i was like WHAT???? jatuh??? mne nak cari..hahha...then acu told us to go back up let him and ashman yg cari..hero la tuh...tgk2 ashman yg jumpe..hahha..tok pun turun skali rupenye..hahha....kenangan soo gonna remind u about this zakuan bile awk da besar nanti...hehhe...then lepas the search was over..kitorg sume pun bertolak la pegi tmpt lain...pegi can't rmember wht the place called cactus valley kot kene naik bukit...and time nak bukit tuh...mmg tinggi gile...elok2 je da parking..enjin trus mati...then asap kluar...sume panic kejap...daddy bukak je tmpt enjin tuh...there was FIRE! huhuh...xnak panic..but.i did...but tak la menjerit juz blank pun sme smpai mintak anyone yg ade air kat situ...then adelah this guy helped us...dia trus curah air yg di tengah minum too...huhu..sweet kejap..mcm hero jee..hahah..thank you who ever you are..hehe..battery kete yg terbakar..the guy said that ape mende ntah yg tersentuh ngn positive battery tu me tak ingt..i'd panic remember..hahha....thank god nothing else happen..huhu...but what a journey dowh..btul xleh lupe..hehehe...and when i was up head felt dizzy all the time..i guess bcoz of the atmospheric pressure...yelah..the higher we go the lower is the atmospheric pressure rite..hahha...physics tuh..hahha...nasib tak muntah je kat situ..hehhe..when evrything was all done...ape lagi balik la umah..hehhe..bought sum sayur...strawberries...souvenirs....and legs ache sbb bnyk berjalan..esp time nak turun kat ladang teh tuh...huhu...bergetar's sum pic..nak tgk lg dkat fb yee..hehhe..

1 comment:

Madu said...

HAHAH lawak lah syifa neh :D
macam best jeee. nak pegi jugak :(