Saturday, September 19, 2009

kakak dah balik daa...missed her like crazy..hehhe..
and dia pun macam da xtahan duk sne..
STORYnye punya la banyak...
every bits of her lyfe kat sane nak cite..heheh..
everytime balik pun cmtuh..nasib bek i'm quite a good listener...
sumtimes...biar je dia ckp sorang2...whahah...

today's the last day for us to bangun sahur 4 this year laa..
yang bez....satu family ada mase sahur tuh..
baru rase complete...
malam td pulak opah buat makan2...
every year memang we all gathered together ngn sedara mare...
penat juga..

and i am..
x tito lagi right after sahur...
sembang2 ngn kakak with her never-ending-stories...ahhah
xtito neyh sbb ingt nak tolong mama wat pape yang ptut...
but b4 that amik kesempatan dulu berblogging...teehee...=)

nak dkat2 raye neyh...suke dgr lagu raye...sape x suke en...
my favourite song is
Suasana Hari Raya...lagu anuar zain nyanyi time die kecik2 tuh...
hahah..paling suke lagu tuh...
dgr je trus bersemangat...heheh...

owh and yeah!!
to Syaida Azimah...happy birthday dear!!!

k laa....nak help mama...
tetibe mama ade mood nak wat kuih....
and i love it!!!

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