Monday, August 3, 2009

KArNivAl PelaNcOngan....

hari : sabtuday (according to acu..hahah..)
date :1 ogos 2009 (Happy frenshipday!!)

hey! loads of story here to tell..
kinda funny act...i arrived at school at 7 o'clock in the morning..
pn.azizah told us to be there mcm scool day biasa...
so...da sampai..x ramai pun lg yg ade...but li ting was there...
then lame skit...ramai gak la yg sampai...
then tibe2 bas da dtg...we were told that there will be a bus taking us to anderson...
but at that time...cikgu sorg pun xde kitorg xdelah naik takot cikgu marah.....
cuz usualy we wait 4 teacher to come...
the time was like 7.30 lebih kot..
everyone da penat menunggu....even the bus driver i gues...
then all of a sudden...the bas yg duk dpan skolah tu tibe2 je jalan....tinggal cmtu je..
everyone apa lg...blur tahap gaban..hahhaha.....sume asking..'where's the bus goin???...'asal bas tu tinggal kita??....ade yg..'eh?eh?eh?...hahha..
then called cikgu...pastu the gurl yg ckp ngn cikgu tu kate...we were suppose to be on the bus WITHOUT teacher...!
i was like....WHAT???
asal cikgu x pesan awal2...??????
pendaftaran pukul 8...the time was already near to 8...nasib anderson dekat...
cikgu pun smpai...called back the bus to come...budak2 quiz ikut cikgu xdela naik bus...hahha...smpai2 trus g tgk our scool booth..kitorg wat pasal Hutan Belum...
had fun jugak laa...then2...met my old fren ainnisha...lme gle x jumpe...3 taun da...bez dpt jumpe blik...
da lepas quiz sume announced the result...and our skool was the champion!!dpt seribu..
goin to wakil perak after this...and it's goin to be in TERENGGANU...huhu...
our skool booth pun won 2nd place...dpt rm800...
berbaloi budak2 booth stay in anderson smpai 1 am...da tu dpt tau last2 minute...
kelam kabut really did a gud job...lame gile nak tunggu sume tu abis..
around 4 thing yg i myself x caye is....
i've touched a snake!!!!hahha..
it was slimy....geli geli...hahha...pegang tige tige ekor yg ade kat booth zoo taiping...
haahha...over was fun...


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