Saturday, April 25, 2009

iwantnobodynobodybut you....

this is a korean song....1st time heard it at school...
frens nyanyi...sounds cute je...
then i search 4 this song and found the videoclip..
watch it and cant stop hearing it over and over again..
i guess the beats made me like the singers were so cute...and they were dancing at the sametime..

i want nobody nobody but you!
~hands clapping~
i want nobody nobody but you!
~hands clapping~
*nandaruel sarameun shiro*
*niga animyeon shiro*
i want nobody nobody nobody nobody but YOU!!

the korean words means...
*i dont like anybody else*
*if it's not you, i don't want it*

sweet class i sang this song to myself.....*daydreaming actualy..heheh...*
all of sudden jee Kah Poh prasan i sang this song for her...hehhe...then Tryce lak ckp the same thing...
but i was singging to myself jee....they were acting like kids...
main gado2....hahha...Tryce sits next to me...Kah Poh sits infront of Tryce...
pastu both mepek...and i noe why the were acting like that...hehhe...
cuz that day..our modmath teacher+class teacher wat test 4 us...main gado2 tu gara2 stdy modmath lame sngt da tu...
nak release tension..deme main ar gado2...i was the mangsa at that time...hahha...
tp bez jgak...mepek2 jee..hehehe...

spot what's written here....


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