since yesterday i went for a trip to KL...i would love too remember some of the moments that i had with my beloved frens....lets take a look at the picture first....
here's the pic that's been taken at DEWAN BAHASA DAN PUSTAKA.....bez jgak kat sni....and the best part here is that when i found out that this place telah ditubuhkan pada 22 JUNE 1956!...ahhaa...interesting...wanna knoe's the same as my birthdate...22 JUNE 1993...blooming2 la kjap that time...heheh...

next stop!we went to kompleks kraf....seen all kinds of congkak yg ade dlm Malaysia....bez2...xleh nak tunjuk cuz xdibenarkn bawa masuk xpelah..then jalan2 la kat kompleks tu...agak the pic tu my frens...frm the left is Anie Nadhirah....Ija.....n...Syeda (gedik x tunjuk muka)...heheh...syeda did sumthing crazy kat situ....hahha...rite dear?...Gone with the wind...only u n i je yg tau...kn3??i wont tell laaa....dun lupe nak tnye...did u lpaskn ke x???hahha...lpas da jalan2...cikgu suh tukar baju n solat trus...n soo we all changed into our normal clothes..not in our school uniforms daa...heheh..bile nak blik tu we also received a souviner frm the kompleks kraf..thank you!!!hehe...

After all of us da ready..we moved on from the kompleks kraf and went straight to midvalley.....cikgu lepaskn kitorg kat situ...this was the best time for most of the students yg ske shopping2 4 me..i spent this time with my bestfren Aqilah...both of us had our lunch kat KFC..thnx cuz u tlg orderkan...hahha...then smbil2 makan...we talk about our life...imagine whats's goin to happen next after we finish our skool...seeing those people kat midvalley ade yg mcm2 jenis...we were wondering what wud happen to us...wud we be successful to have what we want...or juz hanyut dlm dunia ni with and all those stuffs.... that time was the time 4 us too prasan for awhile bile da besar...jauh frm our parents..freedom is the word actually....tp2...when it comes to this feeling kinda scared...will i be ready 4 t

his???2 years will be juz short....soo i have to start thinking about it...i really do hope that i'll get what i want....insyaAllah...back to the story bout the trip..hehehe....we both ate icecream at baskin robbins...bukan slalu leh mkn...and bile makan with sumbody yg u call frens in feels so much fun n yummier than ever....hehe...i took strawberry Cheesecake ice cream it fills with a strawberry ribbon and cheesecake pieces...yummy!aqilah took chocolate fudge i guess....both were superduperdelicious...hehehe...then we walked..and walked..and walked untill both of our feets mcm nak tercabut daa...hahaha...then...bile da pukul was time for us to gather back...nak balik daa...while waiting for the others...sempat lagi snap picture...heheh...

had loads of fun here..heheh...i sat in the bus with syeda...spent time with her by being her listener...heheh...and her xcye jee..but i did..hehe....this oneday trip means alot to mee...i'll cherish it with me forever..eventhough ade trip lg yg i mite be going again...but im sure it wont be the same as this job stops here...untill another brand new story arrives...hahha...hasta la vista!!
ahaha....juz took this pic cuz of the words...hehe..(^-^)