one of my 'notebook' :)
dulu dulu masa zaman sekolah. saya suka tulis like a diary except it could be read by anyone so couldn't called it as a diary. a journal? hmm maybe a scrapbook? haha yeah boleh katakan macam tu jugak laa. i write and i ask people to write in it too! and i stick wrappers or any small pieces of notes kawan bagi. yang ditulis sebegini rupa " SYIFA! ANIE BALIK DULU TAU! takecaree xoxo " hehe.. just a memory to be made. boleh tengok tengok balik kan bila rindu rindu. sapa yang lucky tu akan dapat a book from me. not that big, just a small note book or a ring binder book that i wrote everyday about anything that i could recall when i'm with her ( kawan saya semua perempuan masa sekolah rendah/menengah so it must be a HER) hehe. not to mention bila dah masuk UiTM dulu pun i still did the same thing. and before nak keluar dulu tu i had every one to write in my book. precious memories. couldn't let it slip away from my memories. selagi masih boleh nak di kenang kenangkan selagi tu la nak ingat.. and till today i'm still gonna jot down every single thing that happened. tak kira la kecik ke besar mane pun kalau it means a lot to me. it'll be in the book :) so yeah. i like to write, dah la ada blog. buku pun nak tulis kan. hehe kot kot boleh jadi macam Roald Dahl ke tulis buku macam 'Boy' tu ke. who knows hehe.
here are some of the pages in the book
cik kak ni pun suke menulis. this is what happens if you give her to write haha
but still..i loved it :)
ni kebetulan terjumpa senior time dia melawat sekolah.
i asked her to write on the spot! haha
yang signature dia banyak lovey dovey itu tablemate saya time form 5.
Kak Anie Madu. lalalala
yang ini adik sweet sorang :P adik 19 september. *adik la sngat kan*
on the left is a card from Choo Yee my junior. and on the right is from Epah my classmate! <3
hmmmm. you know what? now i'm having this crazy yet still acceptable idea for me to do. nak tau? *bisik bisik* i think i'm gonna write a book for my future husband! hahahaha yup. i'll be doing it! i'll write everything! *gosok gosok tangan. eventhough i don't know who the person would be but never mind. it's just something right? special too! YOU would be the only one having the copy written by me *awwww now where do i start ?? :D