on monday 28 sept 2009...
during our sivik lesson...
cik jash came in our class and gave us this personality test where she said 80-90%
would be possible..
here's the test..and my answer...and what it means...
you were lost in a forest...then u saw a house with a door..was the door open or close??
then u entered the house and saw a table...what was the shape of the table?
on the table..there's a vase...is the water inside the vase full/half/empty?
what was the vase made of - glass/clay/metal/plastic/porcelain/wood?
you get out of the house and walk again...
then you saw a waterfall 2-3 meters away frm you..the water flows in stream..
from 1-4..what's the speed of the of the stream?
you walked again..then u found a keychain..how many keys where there??
next..you past by a castle...was the castle old or new?
then u saw a bunch of jewellery...did you take the jewellery or not??
then next you saw a bag of money..would you take the money??
next..you'll enter into a huge garden..in the garden there's a box..
what was the size of the box..big/medium/small?
what was the box made of cardboard/paper/wooden/metal?
then next you'll see a bridge..what was the bridge made of -metal/wooden/rotten?
then you'll see a horse..wht's the colour of the horse - black/white/brown/red?
what was the horse doin - eating grass/running around/staying still?
and finally...if there's a tornado...what would you do??
stay in the box/stay under the bridge/ride the horse to run away?
my answer and the meaning...
the door was close - means i'm a close person...
shape of the table round - means i'm not a picky person when it comes to frens...
water in the wase was half - my dreams not achieve yet
the vase was made of porcelain - i'm fragile...easily to get hurt..
the speed of the stream i put 2 - cant rite the meaning here...spe tau..keep quiet!!!haha
3 keys on the keychain - means i have alot of frens..
old castle - means the previous relationship was not a gud one..
did'nt take the jewellery - means i'm a loyal person..
i took the money haha! - means..i've got a partner..but still flirting around...
the box was BIG! - means i have a big EGO...
the box was made of metal - bangga with myself...(tidak!tidak!)
the bridge was made of wood - means the bond with my frens...very strong..i guess...
the colour of the horse is white - means i see my partner a humble and caring person..
the horse was eating grass - partner lembut hati...
i stay in the box - means..i keep problems to myself...
and so that's it..not 100% true..sum i would say is quite true..haha..