ouh lupe before interview berkumpulan kene buat ujian INSAK dulu. it's more like an aptitude test. soalan lebih kurang macam ni. Jika ada orang lemas, saya tidak akan berusaha selamatkannya kerana takut lemas juga. A setuju B. Tidak setuju ...hah ni contoh dalam buku mom bought for me before i even knew dapat ke tak pergi temuduga ni..semangat mama. the question were tricky though AND u have 135 question to be answered in 30 minutes hmmm. nasib sempat jawab semua.okay lepas itu. kene interview sorang sorang. jeng jeng jeng. Aiman was the 1st to go in.then it was me! here it goes..
ting ting ting! *the bell rang meaning i had to go in ..
knocked the door and i'm in!
dengan rasa dah ready nye..i said HELLO to the interviewer..there were 2 people. one was a malay man and the other was a chinese lady. i dunno what was in my mind till that HELLO came out of my mouth. hahah but i dont think it was wrong though hahah even the guy said wow at first cause he said usually others would come in with a 'good morning' haha okay.i cud only smile.. moving on. sat on the chair waiting for their questions.......tibe tibe! hmmm.. well it wasn't like all of a sudden pun sebab he asked sumthing which im not goin to mention it here sbb hahahah lalalalalala..okay when i was like bla bla bla bla...he stoped me with this question..can you dance? and i was like...this is not happening to me....pleaseee...hahahha..and i said yes when my heart told me to say no. hmmm i cant lie so i said yes. haha a brave yes. and he said..hmm show us then..*ish dalam hati dah eh boleh ke ni boleh ke ni..hmmm then i said..owh okay..apa lagi..what else cud i do..shuffle la kan...TEEETTTT! gilo nak shuffle..shuffle pun tak reti..hahah saya menari ZAPIN hehe nasib la 'saya bekas penari kebudayaan' eh silap bekas penari tarian satu malaysia reti berzapin kan..hmmm *tutup muka malu kejap..eh lepas menari tu tak la tutup muka hahah buat buat cool je..control macho..-.-' haha
hmmm lepas da menari tuh duduk balik kat kerusi..hmmm..lepas da tau teman boleh menari apa lagi yang sinonim dengan tarian lagi? he asked...'can you sing?' again dalam hati..is this really happening to me? sebab before interview budak2 lain ada cakap jugak they might asked you to dance ke apa ke kan..anything lah and dalam hati..yeke? macam tak percaya..and i was like madly reading about the current issues here and there.. tup tup saya jwab. 'YES i can sing'..tang mana datang kudrat cakap i boleh nyanyi ni pun tak tau..aniee stop smiling! ishhh maluuu hahahha ><
sir : can you sing?
me: yeah..i can sing *muka iye tak iye je ni..
sir: sing us a song..any song..
me: haaaa *sengih sengih..
sir: who's that fella who came here recently yeah? who's that..errrrr
me: Justin Bieber!
sir: yeaaah..haaa sing us a song..never mind any song also can..
me: okay then...ehem ehem..can i close my eyes? is it okay? i don't sound that good..huhu
both of the interviewers : yes suree..or u want us to close our eyes..it's okay..go ahead..
me: *tarik nafas...
cube teka nyanyi lagu ape? since he mentioned bout the fella who came here buat concert hari tuu....this song je was the only song that was in my head....
I close my eyes and i could see a better day
I close my eyes and i pray
I close my eyesss and i could see a better daaayy
i close my eyes and i pray :)
*bukak mata! fuhhhh dah macam auditon american idol dahh...depan tu J.Lo and Randy Jackson! Steven Tyler tak dapat datang...dush! hahaha..aduhh time tu tgh maluuu neyh..muka rasa panas..did i blush? i'm not suree hahahha..nasib diorang senyum ishhh...lepas tu i bla bla bla bla lagi then i was waiting for the next question..was so ready to answer anything bout the current issues..but..sadly.. he said..
sir: hmm *check2 paper...i think that's enough..we've seen u dance..we've seen u sing..what else could we ask you to do?
me: huh? that's it? really?
haaaa lepas itu dah cakap2 abes tu keluar bilik rasa mcam nak pecah jantung sebab kene menari apa sume tuh..semua yg tnya tuh pun dah macam gelak2 kejap..hehhe so alhamdulillah it's over hehe.and mama and ayah jumpe kawan lame mase duduk kat negeri 9 dulu..kenal la dah anak dia.. Nina :)
p/s: daddy! mama!adik adik! thankyou for everything! ouh and yeah otw balik ipoh..i've seen 3 accidents and ada satu kereta ni terbalik and dah macam terhumban kat dalam parit..plus the lorries pun laju2 jee..i didn't even slept for a minute..alhamdulillah nothing happen :) eh eh panjangkan..konon nak make long story short..hahha
pelik la ko nye interview.. da macam ujibakat mencari Americon Idol
hahaha.tak tau plak syefa bole nyanyi n menari.wow.LOL.btw,interview apa ni?
hayat: kan! uishh kalau american idol tu + so u think u can dance..saya lepas dah tuu..hahaha :D
fatihah!!! lamenya tak dgr citee..hehe ni interview maktab..hahah alaa maluu la mcm ni ahaha ><
uishh best la interview jadi cikgu menyanyi2. hahaha *menyesal
haha tu la kan..nak BUAT nye lagi best kan >< haha abes diorg dah tau bakat terpendam i yang mmg ingt nak pendam lame jee..hahahah :D
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