Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 4 and 5 at Primula Beach Resort

hey..decided to cut really really short 4 this two days reasons...saje je..nak simpan sum of the part juz 4 me je kot..hahha..well the 4th day...we had this ceramah...and guess end up having all of us crying...huhuh...well...dunno 4 the others but my frens..sume nanges except 4 paveena and Amira J...coz they were not listening...hahha...we nanges sbb the penceramah showed this slide show about our did they've been sacrificing 4 us and all those stuffs..hahah...dulu mase form 2 kot g kem ape ntah..same gak mcm ni...that time pun i had a feeling yg this is going to make cry..hahah..and i did..fuh..yg x tahannye...budak2 laki..boleh pandang2 plak...amboi..don't they have tears..hahha..geram jee..kk...then...mlm tuh ade penutupan...epah and i did sumthing...hahha...memory tuh..xleh dilupakan..hahhah...ade dafi...izwan pilus..and ade lg artis yg i myself da lupe..da la mlm tuh ade NUR KASIH..terlepas daa..huhu.......hahaha...lepas abes back to the resort..and and..that nite...x tito langsung...duk kat lobby ngn budak or shud i say adik2 frm KL..naughty2...hahha...said our farewell to sabah people...they had to b'tolak 4 am...sbb naik flight kan..bertolak x tito sbb esknye leh tito dlm bus..soo..mlm tuh enjoy laa 4 da last time ngn kwn2 baru..the last day...tht was the 5th day...pagi tuh kitorg bertolak balik...hugs some penangs gurls...huhuh...mcm xnak balik jee tht time...sume got back to our bus..and hed back to Perak..but nak tau x...dlm perjalanan nak balik...there was this incident..where our lugage...jatuh frm the bus...can you believe tht...haih...da la riso beg jatuh..mcm2 ade..x snggup nak letak bwah tuh..soo..bawk la naik atas bus...nsib muat..sbb in the bus there's only 22 people...tht bus cud fit 40 people..soo..we manage to put our luggage inside the bus...huhu...i was sleeping the whole time..hahha..then sampai skolaaa...and that was the end of the journey...the bestest i ever had...=)

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