Saturday, January 3, 2009

It's Never To LAte...

Happy NEw yEaR.....i think masih blum tlmbt untuk wish it....since arini baru lg 2nd January 2009!!!!whahha...da 2009 da...huhuh...cpat tul...n im getting older...SOMEBODY PLEAZ STOP THE TIME!!!!hehhe...joking never gonna regret anything yg happened in my life...
not even a single thing...hehhe...everything yg happen sumenyer ade hikmah disebaliknyer...n 4 the year 2008...i've got the best present that i've ever dream be4....hehheh....check it out!!!

alhamdulillah....all my effort x sia2....(^-^)

mse trial....i got 3 A's je...huhuh...ase mcm nak give up je...but...pk2 blik...sure ni hanya ujian buat kite....most of the time...i was'nt in claz...buzy ngn debate...then.. mmg buzy gak time tu...cuz my skool wat hari anugerah...jemput Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Raja Puan Besar Perak, Tuanku Zara Salim Davidson wife of the Raja Muda of Perak (Crown Prince)......soo...mmg gler2 bzy....cikgu2 lg bzy....form 3 bnyk stdy sndiri....kene tnya kwn2 yg pandai2....hehhe...this year...mmg bnyk kali stayback kat skolah...stdy smpai bdak sesi petang abis skolah...dr pg smpai petang kat skolah....mcm duk skolah asrama je....hehhehe....but at the end...sume neyh mmg berbaloi...hehe...rmai gak yg dpt straight A's....78 org if i'm not mistaken laa...hehehhe....soo...i ended my year with gud result n made my parents happy....that's what i wanted the most....hehhe....ADIOS 2008!!!!And WelCome 2009....!!!!hehheh...


nAz@rol said...


nnt aku dtg tambun
aku kasi adiah

$yAr!FaH L!yaNa said...

dr johor nak dtg ipoh...
smate2 nak bg adiah..

$yAr!FaH L!yaNa said...
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